2023 BrainWise Program Review

Posted On: January 29, 2024

BrainWise is taught in grades K-12 and in their homes, and in youth, health, and social service agencies. The following 2023 review highlights programs that show the scope of projects and introduces new additions for 2024. If you are a BrainWise instructor and do not have access to our past newsletters through the online BrainWise Resource Library, contact info@www.brainwise-plc.org to gain access to them, electronic worksheets, and other teaching aids.

BrainWise Embraced by Homeless Veterans.
Psychiatrist Jared Greenberg, M.D., pilot tested the BrainWise curriculum with inpatient Veterans at the Los Angeles VA Medical Center. Their reaction will lead to additional use of the curriculum as he found that “every single participant’s reaction to the program was overwhelmingly positive to an extent I could not have expected.”

Family Counselors Teach BrainWise to Families in Crisis.
Since 2017, family counselors in New Castle, PA have used BrainWise to help parents regain custody of children removed from their homes because of abuse and neglect.

BrainWise Keynote Program at the Rotary International (RI) Zone Institute in San Diego.
More than four hundred Rotary District Governors from the Western U.S. and Canada a ended and heard BrainWise presentations on two RI initiative, promoting mental health (Dr. Greenberg, Counselor Ma Sena, and Dr. Pat) and empowering girls.

Four BrainWise Instructors Have Taught Thousands of Children.
Award-winning educators who helped pilot the BrainWise for Grades K-5 curriculum gathered to celebrate the twenty years each spent teaching the 10 Wise Ways.

To see the entire January newsletter follow this link: https://conta.cc/3vVASTW 

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Preparing Native American Youth for Success: Rotary, Knight Moves, and BrainWise

Linc Kroeger, the founder of a company called Knight Moves, developed a 36-month hybrid technical training program designed to help high school Native American youth transition from the classroom to well-paying remote jobs in their communities. Because he agrees with Google and Microsoft leaders that teaching technical skills and social-emotional skills are equally important, he […]

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BrainWise Helps to Change Lives

Dr. Barry writes that her caseload as a public health nurse included victims of domestic violence, child abuse, families of individuals who died by suicide, and people with various treated and untreated mental health disorders. Home visits involved meeting with patients, parents, family members, caretakers, and contacting health professionals and ancillary support sources to help […]

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Houston PAL Officers Teach BrainWise

BrainWise Builds Trusting Relationships. Sergeant Letricia Brown and her team of police officers faced a challenge. In 2019, they were asked to relaunch the Greater Houston Police Department’s Police Activities League (PAL) and build trusting relationships between youth, law enforcement, and the community. She said, “We did not have much direction. We had nothing.” That […]

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