BrainWise Blog

Views Of Racial Inequality

2. Views of racial inequality BY JULIANA MENASCE HOROWITZ, ANNA BROWN AND KIANA COX More than four-in-ten Americans say the country still has work to do to give black people equal rights with whites. Blacks, in particular, are skeptical that black people will ever...

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BrainWise Teaches Emotional Support Skills for Responding to Covid-19

The Colorado Department of Education asked all school districts to complete a survey of their top needs during the pandemic. More than 90% responded and listed "Providing Students with Emotional Support" as their #1 need. This need is not limited...

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Brain Zone in a Classroom for Exceptional Teenagers

School psychologist Karyn Singley Blair with some of her BrainWise tools The 2200 students who attend Colorado's Aurora Central High School come from over 40 countries and speak more than 50 languages. Many students are refugees and will be the...

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Girl Power and BrainWise

The YWCA of New Bedford, Massachusetts improves girls' and women's lives. In 2017, a YWCA administrator requested BrainWise materials for her afterschool Girls Exclusive STEM program. She said that the organization had "heard amazing things about BrainWise and we wanted to introduce the girls...

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BrainWise and Parents

When parents learn about BrainWise, they often say that they wish they had learned the 10 Wise Ways when they were tiny children. "My life would have been better if I had known these skills!" is a frequent comment. Their...

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