BrainWise FAQs and BrainWise Practice Activities

Posted On: November 18, 2018

BrainWise FAQs

What is required to achieve successful outcomes?

Individuals who have a desire to teach BrainWise.

Instructors who recognize the value of teaching the 10 Wise Ways and understand how learning the skills will benefit not only their students, but everyone around them.

Instructors who are committed to teaching the program with fidelity. Fidelity includes helping participants gain the 50 or more hours of practice research shows are needed to retain new material (see the examples of BrainWise Practice Activities (BPAs) that follow). Many program sites have limited time, so participants learn to apply the 10 Wise Ways to problems they and others face every day.

Who can teach BrainWise?

Anyone can teach BrainWise, however we seek individuals who are champions for BrainWise and want to teach the 10 Wise Ways. These successful teachers respect their students and recognize that BrainWise gives them tools that will help their students succeed. Most BrainWise instructors have backgrounds in health or education, but high school students, community members without degrees, parents, and caregivers are also effective BrainWise instructors and practitioners. They are teaching BrainWise in 46 states and 19 countries in schools, counseling, youth and homeless centers, mental health facilities, parenting organizations, and social service agencies.

BrainWise Instructor Training

How much training is needed? The program is fully scripted, and contains all the information an instructor needs to quickly and easily teach it with little or no training or expertise. That said, when requested, the BrainWise team also provides BrainWise Instructor Training(BIT) and BrainWise Training of Trainers (BTOT), available upon request. The most important requirement is for BrainWise instructors to teach the course materials with fidelity, and that they ensure the 10 Wise Ways are reinforced inside and outside the classroom.

How much teaching time is needed for each Wise Way?

BrainWise is flexible and instructors adapt the lesson plans to fit their diverse schedules and students’ needs. The concepts can be taught quickly, but long-term implementation is required for retention. BrainWise practice can take place inside and outside the classroom and mastery is achieved by teaching the 10 Wise Ways to others.


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