BrainWise Helps Families in Crisis
Posted On: May 13, 2023Kristin Green and her team of child and parent advocates support families in crisis through
the Lawrence County Community Action Partnership in New Castle, PA. In 2017, she
introduced BrainWise to help parents regain custody of children who have been removed
because of abuse and neglect. She says the parents they serve grew up with trauma and
repeat these behaviors with their children.
“BrainWise helps us teach them how to change this pattern and create a better outcome for future generations. They have to retrain their brains after being raised in a setting where Lizard Brain use is normal. It takes time to help them change, and BrainWise helps
them succeed.”
BrainWise Transforms Lives. Kristin says that “BrainWise is designed in a way that helps parents transform their thinking and their lives.” She elaborates, “The Wise Ways help parents use their brains to be better parents — that is why we love it!” She reinforces the
findings of other BrainWise instructors who teach challenging populations, including teens with mental health disorders and veterans with serious mental illnesses.
These longtime BrainWise instructors talk about how their clients’ positive behaviors and outcomes are rewarding to them, as well as their clients. They feel good knowing they are making a difference in lives by helping people learn what they can do to change problem behaviors.