BrainWise in Child Care- Fort Morgan

Posted On: February 26, 2009

The link at the bottom of this blog entry will take you to the Fort Morgan Times web site where BrainWise instructor and teacher, Christine Cerbana was featured.  Her presence at the March 7th class, offered courtesy of the Morgan County Family Center, will be a plus for those in attendance.

Here is a snippet from the arcticle:

“How to Be BrainWise” covers how problem-solving skills are important in the development of resilient children. Participants will learn about the Ten Wise Ways of Brainwise and understand how problem solving is related to behavior management.

Christine Cerbana, parent education coordinator for Colorado State University Extension, will present the program at the Morgan County Extension Center, 914 E. Railroad in Fort Morgan. Each program in the series is approved for three clock hours for child care licensure renewal.”

Chrisitine heads the Partners in Parenting program at CSU.  This should be a great session!

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