BrainWise is the Foundation for My Work

Posted On: April 25, 2024

“Few professionals do what I do,” said Gary Brayton, PhD, a Clinical Social Worker in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Brayton specializes in treating children and youth who have engaged in sexually intrusive behaviors. He has been teaching BrainWise since he was introduced to the program at a conference 12years ago. “It is the foundation for my work and aligns with everything I do,” he said. He estimates he has treated over 200 clients and maintains a recidivism rate of 3%.

A literature review of longitudinal data for youth sexual offenders reveals that5% or less re-offend. Research also found that juvenile sexual offending does not predict adult sexual offending, and youth rarely assault young children. It also is noted that stigma follows youth offenders and deters many therapists from working with them.

Dr Brayton uses BrainWise not only to help the children and youth he counsels but also their parents, foster parents, and others who interact with them. He said that most young offenders want to change their behaviors, but they lack decision-making skills. He appreciates that BrainWise not only teaches decision making, but also ties the lessons in with brain research. He has found BrainWise enhances their therapy and gives family members tools to reinforce positive behaviors.

‘We cannot treat these youth alone,” he said, and added, “The traditional therapist/client confidentiality is lifted with sexual offenders,” helping him work with families and support agencies. ”My clients know that I share what they tell me with others. My obligation is to the safety of the community as well as the family.”

Read the complete story of Dr. Brayton’s important work in the April BrainWise newsletter:

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