BrainWise Live it! Reinforcing the 10 Wise Ways
Posted On: March 30, 2022
4. Encourage participants to use their thinking skills every day and remind them to use their hand brain gestures to help them Stop and Think. The remaining program lessons teach nine additional skills that help them build connections.
This foundation helps them recognize why they need to learn and practice using the 10 Wise Ways. It prepares them to learn the difference between “harmful” Lizard Brain actions from the “helpful” Lizard Brain survival actions and helps them understand why it is important to learn the other nine Wise Ways — build a strong Constellation of Support, recognize Red Flag warnings, stay low or off their Emotions Elevator, separate fact from opinion, ask the right questions, identify choices, consider the consequences of choices, set goals and communicate effectively.
As they learn and practice each Wise Way, they draw a line on their brain picture to show they are building a brain connection. They do the same thing on their hand brain by imagining that they are building brain connections between the top of their fingers to their relay center/Lizard Brain at the base of their fingers, across the top of their palm.
Many instructors use the examples in the manual and customize them to specifically fit the problems of their participants. For example, Jeopardy! and Kahoot! game templates are available on the Internet and provide fun and creative ways to reinforce the 10 Wise Ways.
Here is a link to a Jeopardy game that reinforces BrainWise CPR.
You can do the same with Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and Kahoot! Use games to customize problem situations and discuss the various thinking skills participants use to assess the problems. Online game formats are expansive and will engage participants of all ages.
These activities are fun and help children, youth and adults gain the practice they need – with and without instructor contact –to master Wizard Brain thinking. Instructors wisely use their time together to teach new lessons and make plans to use the 10 Wise Ways every day.
Images of Students Playing Kahoot