BrainWise Receives Daniels Fund Grant

Posted On: December 29, 2008

BrainWise was recently awarded a $25,000.00 grant from the Daniels Fund to develop Be BrainWise With Money, a project that integrates the 10 Wise Ways into financial concepts and teaches them to Denver Public School fifth graders and high school students in northwest Denver.  The grant will be used to develop a Be BrainWise With Money Guide and to pilot the program with 200 students at several schools: fifth grades classes at Eagleton and Cowell Elementary Schools, high-risk teenagers attending the Florence Crittenton School and the Academy of Urban Learning, and Colorado High School Charter an alternative DPS school for drop-outs and expelled students.

The Daniels Fund operates the Daniels Fund Scholarship Program and the Daniels Fund Grants Program in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.  The Fund was established in 1977 by Bill Daniels, a pioneer in cable television known for his kindness and generosity to those in need.  Visit for more information.

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