Rotary 2024 BrainWise Offering and Order Form
Choose which BrainWise Products will meet your needs.
BrainWise is a proven, evidence based, cross-cultural program that teaches critical thinking and decision-making skills to everyone!
Founded by Dr. Patricia Gorman Barry Ph.D. in 1995, the BrainWise Program, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, has been involved in the research and development of curricula that teach children, youth, and at-risk adults essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills through an innovative structured approach called the “10 Wise Ways.”
The skills taught by BrainWise, which are called “executive functions,” can be applied to all problem situations, from the third grader caring full-time for younger siblings, to teens who join gangs, and to homeless adults. The lessons are scripted, so anyone can teach it and the program’s common language explains complex brain concepts simply and easily.
Please contact us at if you have any questions about which products are the right fit for you. Also, please feel free to consult personally with us about any special needs or requests you may have regarding how the BrainWise program can work with you.